happynye ko duduk spital ye dik!!!
not familiar?!!?? mmg pun ... aku dulu pun tercangang2 bila doc kata nak buat ph study kat ammar .... (masa tu aku ingat kot2 masuk kertas ph tu kat dlm mulut anak aku pastu tgk ph readingnya brp .... bangang tul aku rasa bila ingat2 balik!!!)
with his faveret mr. mouse ...
secara ringkas aku google kan, below explains what ph study is ....
Esophageal manometry is the recording of muscle pressures and coordination of activity in the esophagus. It can evaluate the action of the muscle waves (peristalsis) in the main portion of the esophagus, as well as the muscle valve at the lower end of it (the lower esophageal sphincter, or LES). A 24-hour esophageal pH study is the monitoring of the levels and changes of acid content in the esophagus, over a 24-hour period, during which the patient conducts his or her normal daily activities. Both tests are valuable methods of recording and evaluating the muscles of the esophagus and LES, as well as determining the cause of many symptoms. This information can help the doctor develop effective treatment plans for most patients with esophageal disorders. .... pH studies measure acid exposure in the esophagus over a 24-hour period. This test can accurately measure whether or not gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is present."

umur 4 bulan, kat icu wth life support
sejak umur 3 bulan doctors dah diagnosed ammar with GERD ... and since then la jugak ammar dok keluar masuk icu sampailah skang because of this GERD ... sampaikan waktu dia critical kat ICU dulu (masa umur 4 bulan) the doctors have no choice but to do the gastrostomy on ammar just to feed him .... waktu tu je dia dah berpuasa almost 1 month (only depend on TPN & drips) .... i have no choice but to agree ... bcoz he was so weak and the doctors were very concern about his condition that he might not make it.
look at him now ... cheeky & bubbly .... asyik gelak je
alhamdullillah, siapa yg boleh menahan kehendakNya ... ammar is still around happy and cheeky ... skang bertambah2 lasak ...
anw, kali ni ph study for post fundo, last july ammar had his fundo so kali ni ph study ni for post fundo ... nk tgk whether this fundo works for him ke tak (coz he still gets pneumonia then admitted then needs breathing support then bla ... bla... and what not)
apa fundo tu??!? ...mmmm, byk nya medical terms lam entry aku kali nih!! well fundo is shortform for fundoplication ... no worries, dah siap google kan pun
"During this surgery, called a fundoplication, your lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is re-created by wrapping the top of your stomach around the esophagus. It can sometimes be done with a laparoscope through several small incisions instead of a single long one, as in the traditional open procedure. As a result, there is less pain, a quicker recovery time, a shorter hospital stay, and lower risk of infection."
machine yg merekodkan segala aktiviti, baring, duduk, bangun, nangis, batuk, muntah which also detects perubahan ph bila aktiviti sedang dilakukan
so on tuesday ph study ammar started only at 3:15 pm ... walaupun probe tu dah ada lam bdn dia since 9 am lagi!!! nk buat camne ... kebetulan lak tuesday hari orthopedik ... x ray dept mendahulukan patient orthopedik, lepas abis orthopedik baru dia buat patient medical dan lain2 ... kecuali ada kes emergency ... korang mesti herankan apalak kena mengena ngan x ray?!!?
ni lah probe yg dimasukkan ke dlm bdn melalui hidung patient, one end detects ph lam bdn, another end sambung kat machine atas tu
cool je ammar ... sikit pun dia tak tarik probe tu
bila dorang dah masukkan probe tu lam bdn patient, dorang kena pastikan ia berada di tmpt yg betul ... then, baru boleh start ph study tu, so to make sure kenalah x ray. sib baik probe tu ngam2 kat dlm tu, tak lebih tak kurang kalau tak kena keluarkan, masuk semula and x ray semula ... leceh!!!
dipendekkan citer, result ph study ammar cemerlang ... tapi mesti doctor lagi pening kepala pikir, kalau test ni cemerlang ... apsal ammar still dpt pneumonia sampaikan lungs dia collapsed?!!? .. takpelah tu biar doctor pikir, aku bukan doctor pun ... dah byk sgt benda lam kpala otak aku ni pun.
oohh ... leganya test ni dah abis!!!
baru lepas keluarkan probe dari hidung dia ... terus tersengih2
camne pun aku syukur sgt result dia ok, kalau tak dah tentu2 skang ni aku masih kat spital sbb kalau ikut plan, if result ok, ammar boleh balik, if result tak ok, ammar kena stay atleast 2-3 lagi psal surgeon & respiratory team lak kena review dia.
skang ... ni lah satu2 brg yg boleh aku kategorikan sgt penting utk aku & ammar ... amat2 diperlukan ... bukan sahaja membantu feeding ammar, juga membantu aku tido lebih lama & lena, tiada gangguan ... huhuhu
yg aku pening kpala skang ni pikir pasal feeding machine ammar ni ... bilalah nak sampai?!? ... aku dah cam zombie dah ni .. tak cukup tido!!! dah tak larat rasanya bangun 1 jam skali utk bagi ammar susu tgh2 mlm .... arrggh!!!!
alahai..kesiannyer tgk anak u..sakit jugak yer..sbg ibu kita kena kuatkan semangat hadapi anak2 yg sakit ni kan..adalah hikmah di sebaliknya tu..btw klu u nak baca kisah lyn bleh lah add dia dlm fb ni http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1210397314
jom kita change link nak;-)nice knowing u..
thnks aqish, ok je nak link kan kita :)
emm..FB ni kena join dulu baru bleh tgk lah..u ada fb ke tak..
hai sis..ni nuyu kawan dhada...alhamdulillah syukur tgk ammar makin sihat..montel!
aqish: dah ... tak tau la nape mula2 tu tak bole, tapi bila dah dpt dia private lak ... anw, kita dah invite dia jd fren ... tunggu jelah
nuyu : hi nuyu! tu lah ... lega tul ati bila tgk ammar mkn sihat ... take care
aikk..tak mo invite jd friend kita plak ke;-)
aqish : bkn takmo, cuba gak nama aqisha kat fb, tapi kuar gambo pompuan tak pakai tudung ... meh bak sini nama profile tu kita add ... tak pun awak je le add kita ... apa kata??
comel nya the baby. semoga sihat2 selalu
"u r strong ammar" & get well now :)
jlascanteen: tq 4 da wish .. :)
silverferio : he is strong ...alhamdullillah, he's doing great .. :)
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