Thursday, June 23, 2011

Info stemcell enhancer supplement ..


lately nih, ramai yg call dan bertanya pasal produk stemcell enhancer nih ...x sangka ramai juga yg berminat nk mencuba be honest, before aku try produk nih on ammar dan juga diri aku sendiri aku byk carik info and read about it ...

during my research, aku jumpa satu video nih is about a blind girl who regain her sight after 5 months of adult stemcell transplant (nk tgk video tu, click sini) aku fikir, no harm trying ... kalau diizinkan olehNya, adalah rezeki ammar ....Alhamdulillah, aku amat bersyukur ngan pencapaian ammar skang ... syukur!!!

anw, just to share some basic info mengenai stemcell enhancer nih

- consists of patented natural concentrate of an edible aquatic botanical known as Aphanizomenon Flos-aquae (AFA for short) that contains Mobilin


As shown in a double-blind placebo controlled crossover study published in the highly respected peer-reviewed journal, Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine (Aug-Sep 2007), taking just 3 capsules of Stemtech AFA Extract supports an average 25% increase in the number of naturally released adult stem cells in circulation.

That's equivalent to about 3 to 4 million new stem cells in circulation - making Stemtech AFA Extract on of the greatest wellness discoveries of our time!

Why enhance your stem cell Physiology?

Your adult stem cells are your body's "master" cells - they have the ability to become virtually any type of cell in the body . Recent studies have found that stem cells can become heart cells, liver cells, pancreatic cells, muscle cells, brain cells ...even cells in the eyes, the joints and more!

Who should take Stemtech AFA extract?

Anyone wanting to enjoy optimal health ...
Anyone wanting optimal fitness and performance ...
But there's only one way to understand the true benefits of this amazing product ...

*info kat atas nih sume aku cedok dari pamphlet ... bukan aku memandai2 buat citer ... hehehe

i love doing this, esp bila dpt feedback yg memberangsangkan ....ada satu rasa kepuasan yg x boleh digambarkan bila tau that someone/somebody lead a better/happier life and u r part of the process .....

contohnyer, 2 hari lepas one happy & excited mom call aku ...beriyer2 dia citer kat aku apa yg anak dia dah boleh buat, sampai meremang bulu roma aku sume ...she decided to try this produk utk her lil dotter yg juga syndrome down (setelah terdengar perbualan aku ngan teacher ammar kat skool, masa tu teacher ammar tgh bercerita pasal ammar byk sgt nmpak improvement) ...

dipendekkan citer, she is so happy wth her lil dotter improvement and now spreading words, encouraging her family and frens utk mkn produk nih juga ...Alhamdulillah :))

so, kalau ada yg berminat dan ada pertanyaan serta kemusykilan, sila tinggalkan kan contact no atau email (contact no & email aku ada kat column belah kanan tu) ... i am more than happy to help ... :))

1 comment:

  1. salam kak, saya dah email pada akak. wait for your call. thnks.
